Sunday, February 20, 2011

its doodolls!!

hye guys!
we meet again..
its a bedtime story
lepas baca nie, terus g tido k?
gud boy/gud gurl..
okie dokie
back to our story
its about DOODOLLS!!

Tetiba nak spee-king plak kan..


tau doodolls tue ape?
doodolls is a brand of varies character yang sangat lah kiut-miut!
saya terpikat
dapat tau bout doodolls nie dari nur fatin afiqah

doodolls dicipta oleh seorang lelaki bernama CHEN
chen nie, sukakan character doodling, sampaikan die nak wujudkan character tue jadi reality
die create charater doodles nie dan share dengan kengkawan, siap ada pelbagai character which is about more than 30 characters ada accompanied with unique names and colourful, sampaikan orang laen pown terpikat sama dan memberi respon yang baek terhadap character-charater tersebut..

die punya website pown comel
the homepage:

the characters:

the choices:
yang paling aku tertarik adalah diatas ini
p skin!!!
dan macam-macam lagi la..see?

there are about 15 countries that become doodolls stokiest!
and here we are:
kat toys r us ada..
mid valley ada..
tebrau city ada..
banyak tempatlah ada..
nak tau g laman web die ya?

they accept payment from lots of banks

and you guys can also find them thru pesbuk

atin's raddish!
shumel kan?


SN said...

cumel la ely~~~

faridzullailyfudzali said...

shumel kan?
tp mahal la sha..
kene kumpul duit dulu
laen la kalo ade datok nak tlg belikan ..hahaha